- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 软体software
- 软键soft keys
- 父亲耙平土壤做播种床。Father raked the soil smooth for a seed-bed.
- 软胶soft gum(s)
- 软肋weakness
- 我叫孩子们把落叶耙到一处。I set my children to rake the fallen leaves.
- 软皮buff
- 他用耙松过土了。He has loosened the soil up with a fork.
- 东软Neusoft
- 变软soften
- 软蛋jelly fish
- 软包Soft Roll
- 软线tinsel cord
- 欺软怕硬bully the weak and fear the strong
- 软键盘soft keyboard
- 软性softness
- 软轴flexible shaft
- 软胶囊soft capsule