- 主要负责东软欧美外包项目的测试过程及团队管理和设计等工作。Testing Manager for European and American corporation Responsible for testing, team management and design for Neusoft outsourcing services for European and American corporation.
- 软包Soft Roll
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 包起来wrap up
- 软体software
- 包被peridium
- 软键soft keys
- 包角cornerite
- 拆包unpack
- 软胶soft gum(s)
- 包封envelopment
- 软肋weakness
- 叉烧包steamed, grilled meat bun
- 软皮buff
- 汽包steam manifold
- 东软Neusoft
- 肉包pork bun
- 包茎phimosis
- 变软soften