- 轮需要拖轮协助.MV Red Rose requires tug assistance.
- 需要needs
- 无拖轮协助靠离超大型船舶的操纵要领介绍Introduction of Manoeuvring Principals of Berthing and Unberthing a Very Large Vessel without Tug
- 因磨擦热和环境条件的变化,塑料比金属热膨胀系数高许多,塑料轮需要足够的。The heat expansion coefficient of plastic is much higher than metal caused by abrasion heat and the change of environment condition. Plastic gear needs enough gap.
- 协助provide assistance
- 轮wheel
- 不需要have no use for
- 需要的needful
- 摩天轮ferris wheel
- 轮毂hub
- 拖轮tugboat
- 首轮first-run
- 不需要的needless
- 轮到fall
- 迫切需要cry for
- 协助者ministrant
- 轮滑skidding of wheel
- 满足需要satisfaction of wants
- 脚轮trundle
- 工作需要job demand