- 轮船能在海上航行.Ships sail on the sea.
- 轮船能做环球航行。Ships can sail round the world.
- 能energy
- 不能cannot
- 我们在海上航行已经三天了。We're now been at sea three days.
- 借助无线电,轮船能彼此保持联系和必要时呼救。With the help of radio,ships can keep in touch with one another and call for help if it is necessary.
- 如果将刮飓风,而你正在海上的话,你总能在好几天前就看见天上有种种迹像。If there is a hurricane you always see the signs of it in the sky for days ahead, if you are at sea.
- 这艘帆船在海上航行超过25年,于1980年代经过修复,保存了原有的经典外观。After having sailed the waters and deep sea channels for more than 25 years, the vessel was lovingly restored in the 1980s to her original classic design.
- 才能talent
- 只能not having any other choice; obliged to do sth
- 在海上航行十二天后他们发现了陆地。After twelve days at sea, they sighted land.
- 亨利王子的目标是要使设计和装备的轮船能进行长途的航行,而不需要经常靠岸。Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore.
- 没有人能在体力方面比得过汤姆。No one can match up to Tom in vigor.
- 可怜可怜在这场风暴中在海上航行的那些倒霉的水手吧!Pity the poor sailors at sea in this storm!
- 航行在海上navigate the sea
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 杀人始终是一桩过失; 人决不应该做出不能在晚饭后谈的事情。Murder is always a mistake; one shall never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.
- 他在海上航行了三个月。He spent 3 months at sea.
- 建造工程期间,不能在星期六、星期日及公众假期期间施工。No construction work shall be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays during construction stage of the Project.
- 他们乘游艇在海上航行。They are yachting in the sea.