- 局office
- 一局inning
- 商检局commodity inspection bureau
- 蹒limp
- 欺蹒fake
- 招商局China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (China Merchants)
- 老妇人跚蹒着在街上走时,男孩子们谩骂她。The boys were calling the old lady names as she hobbled up the street.
- 国土局Land and Resources Bureau
- 欺蹒一卷绳索fake
- 困局predicament
- 消防局bureau of fire protection
- 真理扶着时间的臂膀蹒蹦而行,总是落在后面。Truth always lags behind, limping along the arm of Time.
- 外管局Administration of Foreign Exchange
- 堂棺倌蹒蹒跚跚地向厨房退去,脸上带着惊恐的神色。The waiter was staggering back toward the kitchen, an expression of horror on his face, staring at Michael in disbelief.
- 海事局marine board
- 他向门口走去,又回来拿手帕,他蹒蹒跚跚地走了出去。He made his way to the door; he came back for his handkerchief, he stumbled out.
- 国家质量技术监督局the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
- 他向门口走去,又回来拿手帕,他蹒蹒跚跚地走了出去。He made his way to the door; he came back for his handkerchief, he stumbled out.
- 检验检疫局inspection and quarantine bureau
- 美国梅佑医学中心估计,平均每张床藏纳十万至一千万只尘蹒。The Mayo Clinic in America estimates1 the average bed contains between 100,000 to 10-million dust mites.