- 越来越more and more
- 越来越多more and more
- 越来越多的increasing
- 越来越好better and better
- 越来越少less and less
- 越来越差worse and worse
- 越来越大bulk (material)
- 越来越严重to become more serious every day
- 爱好打乒乓的人越来越多了。More and more people are going in for table tennis.
- 越来越强大from strength to strength
- 因对教师的需求量越来越小,故对教师进行培训的制度正在萎缩。The teacher-training system is being run down as fewer teachers are needed.
- 随着时间的推移,听众越来越多了。The hearers increased quickly as time went on.
- 耶诞节越来越近了。Christmas is drawing near.
- 越来越糟form smoke into smother
- 白昼变得越来越长。The days are becoming longer.
- 她变得越来越漂亮了。She became more and more beautiful.
- 时装流行式样中的种种迹象表明针织上衣和编织品已越来越不受青睐。The straws in the fashion wind indicate a shrinking attachment for jersey and knitting.
- 越来越多的人生了病。More and more people grew ill.
- 越来越少的less and less
- 许多天然原料越来越少。Many natural materials are becoming scarce.