- 越快越好The sooner the better.
- 快quick
- 越to exceed
- 你们得认真去做这件事,越快越好。The sooner you buckle to it, the better.
- 喝得越快,醉得越厉害。The faster you gulp, the drunker you'll get.
- 越快越好!As soon as possible!
- 这件事你做得越快越好。The sooner you do it, the better.
- 领头的雪橇越驰越快。The leading sledge went faster and faster.
- 列车停过以后又加大了马力,越开越快。The train got up a head of steam again after a stop.
- 随着告别的列车越走越快,她渐渐地消失在挥舞的人群之中。As the train was going faster and faster, she verged into the waving crowds.
- 越快越好!The sooner, the better!
- 越快越好。The sooner,the better.
- 就好象你们家狗死了似的那种脸。你得赶紧忘了她,越快越好。The one where you look like your dog just died.You have to get over her and the sooner the better.
- 一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.
- 他越跑越快。He runs quicker and quicker.
- 金属杆越短,摆摆动的速度越快;When we make the rod shorter, the pendulum vibrates faster.
- 请尽快把这事做完,越快越好。Please get it done as soon as possible: the sooner better.
- 好,福菜迪,上床睡觉去,越快越好。Now, Freddie, off to bed and in double-quick time.
- 你走路越快越早到家。The faster you walk,the sooner you'll reach home.
- 我唯一的遗憾是没有了解它越快,我或许可以节省一些多年青春。My only regret is not finding out about it sooner, maybe I could have saved some years of my youth.