- 越南Vietnam
- 越南语Vietnamese (language)
- 越南人Vietnamese
- 越南的Vietnamese
- 越南战争Vietnam war
- 越南与中国相邻。Viet Nam is contiguous to China.
- 迈:是指越南在柬埔寨的军队吗?Wallace: Do you mean the Vietnamese troops in Kampuchea?
- 越南人的烹调术是有名的。The Vietnamese's cooking art is named.
- 越南佛教Vietnamese Buddhism
- 越南音乐music of Viet Nam
- 早安越南Good Morning, Vietnam
- 越南戏剧Vietnamese Drama
- 越南美术Vietnamese art
- 越南历史history of Vietnam
- 越南人的Vietnamese
- 越南侵略柬埔寨Vietnamese Aggression against Cambodia
- 越南八月革命August Revolution in Vietnam
- 越南抗法战争Vietnamese War of Resistance against France
- 越南船民Vietnamese migrant
- 越南难民Vietnamese refugee