- 客visitor
- 超overtake
- 骇客hacker
- 霍桑、梅尔维尔与爱默生的新英格兰超验主义者团体之间的联系无拘无束。Hawthorne and Melville mingled freely with Emerson's circle of New England Transcendentalists.
- 访客caller
- 美国浪漫主义文学运动足能标炳的是新英格兰的超验主义运动。The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period is New England Transcendentalism.
- 超链接hyperlink
- 它是从一个旧的俚语词汇变化而来,原意是形容骇客的。Variation of old hacker slang that had more negative connotations.
- 超值overflow
- 客服customer service
- 我们觉得他是一个典型而坚决的超验论者,主张无即为有,有即为无。We suspect him of a typically transcendental determination to eat his cake and have it too.
- 一群23岁的电脑骇客们对大通银行的记录造成了巨大破坏。A gang of 23 teen-age computer hackers has done significant damage to Chase Manhattan Bank records.
- 先验的和超验的transcendental and transcendent
- 异次元骇客The Thirteenth Floor
- 论法律的超验价值On the Transcendental Value of the Law
- 骇客入侵hacker attacks
- 超验性transcendence
- 电脑骇客hacker
- 超验的transzendent
- 灵异骇客特别版Stir of Echoes Special Edition