- 重型越野车油气悬架的非线性模型研究Research on the Nonlinear Mathematical Model of the Hydro-pneumatic Suspension for Heavy Off-road Vehicle
- 重型越野车半主动油气悬架系统的设计Design of the Semi-active Hydro-pneumatic Suspensions Used in Heavy-duty Off-road Vehicles
- 超overtake
- 超重型车辆overweight vehicle
- 超链接hyperlink
- LSD226H超重型振动压路机LSD226H overweight vibratory roller
- 越野车off-road vehicle
- 超值overflow
- 超重型可拼装式全挂车设计Design for Combinable Extra Heavy Full Trailer
- 重型(adj) heavy duty
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 中超Chinese Super League(简称为CSL)
- 越野车队off-road train
- 超短ultrashort
- 越野车涂装coatings for cross - country Vehicle
- 重型机械heavy-duty machinery
- 超自然transnatural
- 轻型越野车light duty cross-country car
- 超联hyperlink
- 特种越野车Off - road vehicle