- 超距overhang
- 超overtake
- 超距酌long range effect
- 梳棉机给棉板与刺辊隔距对梳棉质量影响The effect of carding feed plate and taker-in on card sliver quality
- 超距作用action at distance
- 按上红外线滤光片,对拍摄景物对焦,请读出镜头筒指示的距离。Attach the infrared filter and focus on the subject. Read the indicated distance off the lens barrel.
- 超链接hyperlink
- 视平超距apparent horizontal overlap
- 对焦focus
- 梳棉机后固定盖板隔距对结杂的影响Influences of Carding Machine Back Stationary Flat Gauge on Neps and Impurities
- 超值overflow
- 用户感觉更换白平衡,感光度,自动辅助对焦测光方式时候很笨拙。Clumsy user experience for changing white balance, ISO, AF mode, metering.
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 炮检距对地震分辨率影响的研究The effect of offset on the resolution of seismic survey
- 对焦屏focusing screen
- 对焦附加器focusing adaptor
- 液压支架中心距对设备价格的影响Central distance of hydraulic powered supports effected to equipment price
- 中超Chinese Super League(简称为CSL)
- 超短ultrashort
- 对焦位置focusing position