- 刻录光驱disc-carving drive
- 双DVD刻录double DVD burn
- DVD刻录面面观DVD Burning Solution
- 但蓝光光盘录像机如何利用电子来刻录呢?跟现有的刻录光驱差别很大。"Pioneer has made the breakthrough by using an electron rather than a laser beam to etch grooves on disks."
- DVD刻录机介绍与选购introduce and purchase for DVD recorder
- 光驱CD-ROM
- 刻quarter (hour)
- DVD刻录机芯片市场迎来新领袖New leader in DVD recorder chips
- 刻录imprinting
- 如果给DVD刻录机模拟连接了数字高频头VR模式下,也可以用SD画质进行录制。It is also possible to make recordings of SD images in VR mode when making analog connections of digital tuners to DVD recorders.
- 刻录机CD writer; disc-carving machine
- DVD刻录及网络浏览器在数字电视机顶盒上的实现The Implementation of DVD Recording and Web Browser on Set-Top Box
- DVD刻录机DVD burner
- 刻录光盘imprint CDs; CD imprinting
- 若要使用ClickOnce发布程序,您需要访问CD或DVD刻录机或者Web服务器。To publish a program using ClickOnce, you need access to a CD or DVD burner, or to a Web server.
- 光盘刻录disc-carving
- 区段刻录SAO Sessino At Once
- 轨道刻录TAO Track At Once
- 选择刻录机Select CDR Drive
- 母盘刻录disk mastering