- 三个奶爸一个娃Three Men and a Baby
- 带孩子是件麻烦事,lailai又发明了,超级奶霸,集冲泡,加热,消毒于一身的伟大发明,再多孩子也喂的过来了。No more tough to raise kids, lailai has invented super jumbo milk making machine, combines all functions including blending, warming up, sterilizing. Try more kids, easy to handle.
- 另外,最近艾迪?墨菲在影片《奶爸安亲班》里摇身一变,成为一名幼保专家。and more recently, we saw Eddie Murphy become a childcare professional in Daddy Daycare.
- 奶lady
- 记起recall
- 记入registry
- 记错misremember
- 奶的lactary
- 记数numeration
- 洗面奶face cream
- 借记debit
- 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。You have to fight for your rights.
- 那个超级明星过着豪华的生活。The superstar lives in state.
- 奶昔milk shake
- "爸,今晚我用一下车子," 他说。 "除非我死了!" 他父亲答道。"I'm going to take the car tonight, Dad, " he said. "Over my dead body!" his father answered.
- 贷记credit
- 二奶second wife
- 周记journal
- 告诉她爸妈,不要等着她不睡了,她可能在她姨家过夜。She told her parents not to wait up for her. She might stay with her aunt.
- 记时clock