- PLD在数字超声电视地面通信系统中的应用Application of PLD to the Surface Communication Module for Digital Ultrasonic Televiewer
- 数字超声电视测井实验模拟系统An Experimental Mimic System for the Digital Supersonic Televiewer
- 嗯,首先是车子其次是音响组件系统、若干录像装置、几套西装、一台空调....."Hmmh - a car, for starters. Then a stereo component system, some video gears, a few suits, an air conditioner.... "
- 嗯,首先是车子。其次是音响组件系统、若干录像装置、几套西装、一台空调.....Hmmh - a car, for starters. then a stereo component system, some video gears, a few suits, an air conditioner....
- 电子录像装置electronic image storage device
- 你需要坚强的性格才能够看一些这样的恐怖电视录像片。You need a strong stomach to be able to watch some of these horror videos.
- 装置system
- 电视录像显示萨达姆在行刑室曾与人激烈争吵TV shows Saddam had feisty exchange at gallows
- 电视录像制作videography
- 保护装置protector
- 半帧式电视录像field television video recording
- 传动装置gearing
- 电视录像telerecording
- 帧电视录像frame television video recording
- 驱动装置drive set
- 场电视录像field television video recording
- 超声电视测井仪borehole acoustic television logger
- 机械装置machinery
- 电视录像片telerecording
- 安全装置safety feature