- 超商相对分子质量聚乙烯ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene
- 把兽医当永不打烊的超商。Make emergency call, said: Dr. my dog has flea!
- 超overtake
- 情境:约翰在超商购物但找不到他所要买的东西,于是请求店员帮忙。Situation: John is shopping at the supermarket, but he can't find anything, so he asks a clerk for help.
- 超链接hyperlink
- 超值overflow
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 他父亲是木材商。His father is a timber merchant.
- 中超Chinese Super League(简称为CSL)
- 建筑商答应加速修理。The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
- 超短ultrashort
- 超自然transnatural
- 布朗先生是个家具商。Mr. Brown is a dealer in furniture.
- 超联hyperlink
- 那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。That company supplies paper to the printers.
- 超低ultralow
- 营造商把帐单送来了吗?Has the builder presented his bill yet?
- 超细纤维superfine fibre
- 贩马商a horse dealer
- 超高速ultra high speed