- 见风使舵者,趋炎附势者改变自己的观点,尤其是政治观点以适应目前的需要One who changes one's opinions, especially political opinions, to suit the needs of the moment.
- 见风使舵have it both ways
- 趁风扬帆hoist the sail by taking advantage of the wind; hoist the sail while the wind is good; set sail when the wind is fair
- 趁风起帆set sail when the wind is fair
- 本来有几个不让步的人,可是他们在竞选的最后阶段也见风使舵了。There were a few holdouts, but they also jumped on the bandwagon toward the end of the campaign.
- 趁风扬土stir up trouble
- 风news
- 启帆要趁风顺时。Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.
- 他这个人,见风使舵,八面玲珑,说了不少使大家高兴的话。A weather cock and an artful person, he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people
- 趁avail oneself of
- 舵rudder
- 使完善optimize
- 我必须趁风吹得还不算太猛把帐篷支起来。I had to put up my tent before the winds became too strong.
- 风的Aeolian
- 和风breeze
- 迎风使舵!Helm aweather!
- 风管wind pipe
- 风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes
- 风道whirl tube
- 卷帆并使舵柄紧缚下风方面ahull