- 走班学习Freeing choosing one' s courses
- 分类走班教学teaching in classified classes
- 走to walk
- 族nationality
- 走班式分层教学Stratification Teaching Among the Classes
- 一族gens
- 大学英语亦应走班分层College English also should walk class and divide into layer
- 走了be away
- 走进step in
- 食人族man-eater
- 走出to move away from
- 族的Goidelic; Lombardic
- 分类走班教学的实践与思考Some Thoughts and Practice on Classified Classes Teaching
- 班委会class committee
- 血族bloodline
- 班主ganger
- 同族kin
- 走光fog
- 暑期班summer school
- 芳香族aromatic series