- 走to walk
- 走了be away
- `你回来接我吗?'`不--你现在要是不走,一定得步行回家。'`Will you come back for me?' `No if you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home.'
- 走进step in
- 走出to move away from
- 好多时候,为了要走到你想到的地点,你得假装成参加那一队你实在不感兴趣的行列走。Lots of times you have to pretend to join a parade in which you're not really interested in order to get where you're going.
- 母亲说她家里不要呆着不走的客人。Mother says that she doesn't want any sticker in the house.
- 我知道了。你没来过这儿。向前走两个街区,然后向左拐。你不会错的。I see. you're a stranger here. Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left. You can't miss it.
- 一个男子偷偷走到我跟前问我要不要演出票。A man sidled up to me and asked of I wanted a ticket for the performance.
- 一个骗子卖给她一只不走的表,骗走了60元钱。A swindler touched her up for sixty yuan by selling her a watch which did not work.
- 我们原以为她只是来看看我们,现在看来她要永远呆在这里不走了。We thought she'd just come for a visit; but it seems she's staying for good.
- 我们不依靠人民,不走群众路线,是毫无道理的。Not to rely on them and pursue the mass line is utterly unjustifiable.
- 你要多久才能教会一个婴儿不走近火?How soon can you teach a baby not to go near the fire?
- 他死缠着这些郊游的人,撵都撵不走。He imposed his company on the party and could not be shaken off.
- 大家郊游的兴致全被一个醉醺醺的流浪汉给搅了,他死缠着大伙儿不走,甩都甩不掉。The outing was ruined for everyone by a drunken tramp who imposed his company on the party and could not be shaken off.
- 他们的问题就在于他们好像认为谁要去英国就会在那里呆下去不走了。Li The trouble with then is they seem to think anyone who goes to Britain will stay put there.
- 贝特太太和牛顿小姐还是象往常那样赖着不走。Mrs. Pert and Miss Newton hang on as usual.
- 一个跳舞者要到一个地点时,不走最便捷的直路,却作一个圆形的旋舞。Instead of going straight to a point,which is the quickest road,a dancer waltzes and goes in a circle.
- 那个人又坐下去,用同样的口吻说:“我已经到了这客栈里,我饿了,我不走。The man seated himself again, and said, without raising his voice, "I am at an inn; I am hungry, and I shall remain.
- 趁活着尽管花钱吧,你带不走它的。Spend your money while you live, you can't take it with you!