- 他走乡串镇出售自己的货品。He travelled from town to town selling his wares.
- 这里的赤脚医生经常走乡串户。Amateur doctors here often visit their patients by traveling from door to door.
- 运走carry away
- 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。There is a Buddhist temple in this town.
- 他从口袋里掏出一串钥匙。He produced from his pocket a bunch of keys.
- 我们吃力地走过了树林。We tramped through the wood.
- 这个镇有一万人口。The town has a population of ten thousand.
- 安乐乡lotus land
- 这些女孩正在串珍珠。These girls are stringing pearls.
- 看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。The watchdog scared away the thief by barking.
- 一个道路网从镇中心向四面八方伸展出去。A system of roads radiates from the town center.
- 女孩把一些贝壳穿成一串。The girl threaded the shells together.
- 我走错了路。I took the wrong way.
- 安逸乡lotusland
- 我买了一串很好看的珠子。I bought a beautiful rope of pearls.
- 安定药镇定性药物,用来减轻紧张状态或焦虑并治疗精神病症Any of various depressant drugs used to reduce tension or anxiety and to treat psychotic states.
- 昨晚他们赶走了一只狼。They staved off a wolf last night.
- 在东京生活决不是生活在温柔富贵乡。Life in Tokyo is far from a bed of roses.
- 那老人走不快。The old man can not walk at a good pace.
- 几家化学工厂排出的有害废水正流入通过我们市镇的河里。Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town.