- 向火之儿A facing-fire Beggar
- 流走之物run-off
- 众人常走之路最安全The beaten road is the safest
- 走to walk
- 在你走之前不久我就失去了我的方向I lose my way And it's not too long before you point it out
- 走了be away
- “我的朋友,”主教又说,“您在走之先,不妨把您的那对烛台拿去。"My friend," resumed the Bishop, "before you go, here are your candlesticks. Take them." He stepped to the chimney-piece, took the two silver candlesticks
- 模特儿model
- 玩意儿(n) thing (used in speech)
- 之後afterwards
- 走进step in
- 媳妇儿wife
- 走出to move away from
- 不足之处limitations
- 儿科学paediatrics
- 美人儿cutie
- 走光fog
- 随之thereupon; therewith
- 走上walk up
- 之处part; point