- 赤血石hematite
- 赤血素hematochrome
- 赤血盐red prussiate of potash
- 丹心loyalty
- 赤血盐钠red prussiate of soda
- 赤naked
- 混血hybrid
- 出血hemorrhage
- 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。What man was ever immune from death? Let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history.
- 碧血丹心righteous blood and loyal heart
- 血的hemic
- 一片丹心staunch loyalty
- 冷血coldblooedness
- 一寸丹心a leaf of red heart; a loyal heart; loyalty; One's heart remains true to the end; thoroughly faithful and reliable
- 近朱者赤one takes on the color of one's company
- 缬丹心泰片Xiedanxintai tablet
- 血流blood stream
- 赤色redness of the skin or complexion
- 银丹心脑通YDXNT
- 赤身裸体as naked as when one was born