- 资方有权拒绝接纳.The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
- 资方有权拒绝接纳。The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
- 如导致授权的条件可能再次出现,则主管机关有权拒绝终止授权;Competent authorities shall have the authority to refuse termination of authorization if and when the conditions which led to such authorization are likely to recur;
- 一方在对方履行债务不符合约定时,有权拒绝其相应的履行要求。If the other party rendered non-conforming performance, one party is entitled to reject its corresponding requirement for performance.
- 如果投保方没有采取措施,保险方对由此而扩大的损失,有权拒绝赔偿。If the Insured fails to take such measures, the Insurer shall be entitled to repudiate liability for any loss so aggravated.
- 《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》,那还有什么好说的呢?The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?
- 他是有权这样做的。It is within his prerogative to do so.
- 他们有权管理自己的事务。They have the right to run their own affairs.
- 妇女有权享有产假。Women are entitled to maternity leave.
- 服务性行业人员也有权组织工会。Service workers also have the right to organize.
- 总统有权否决议案。The president has the power to veto bills.
- 商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。In other words the commercial banks have the rights to refuse any unit or body to force it to do so.
- 裁判员有权勒令他退场吗?Does the referee have the power to send him off the field?
- 警察有权逮捕罪犯。A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal.
- 我们有权得到足够维持生活的工资。We have a right to a living wage.
- "你以前结过婚吗?" "我有权不予回答。""Have you been married before?" "I take the Fifth."
- 双方需要有权同等获取法庭的专门技术,以满足公平和正义的要求。Both sides need to have equal access to forensic expertise in the interests of fairness and justice.
- 如果交货完成前发生侵权指控,卖方有权拒绝进一步装运,而不构成违约。If the infringement is alleged prior to completion of delivery of the goods, Seller has the right to decline to make further shipments without being in breach of contract.
- (那时)农奴主有权任意打骂甚至杀害农奴。The serf-owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.
- 此刻,当地政府有权决定是否付款。At the moment, local authorities have the power to decide whether or not to pay.