- 劳拉·圣贾科莫SanGiacomo Laura
- 贾科莫·圣费利切·迪蒙泰福尔特SANFELICE DI MONTEFORTE, Giacomo
- 梅耶贝尔,贾科莫1791-1864德国法语歌剧作曲家,主要作有胡格诺派教徒(1836年)German composer of French operas, notably Les Huguenots(1836).
- 梅耶贝尔,贾科莫1791-1864德国法语歌剧作曲家,主要作有胡格诺派教徒(1836年)German composer of French operas,notably Les Huguenots(1836.
- 普契尼Puccini, Giacomo
- 普契尼的歌剧Puccini's operas
- 科莫多巨蜥在野外的短距离爬行速度为每小时13英里。Komodo dragons have been clocked at 13 mph over short distances in the wild.
- 普契尼歌剧puccini's opera
- 他们显然恐怕分担争取降低州税的责任,已在猛烈攻击科莫对税收短缺的预测。Apparently fearful that they'll share the rap because of the state tax cuts they pushed for,they're already attacking Cuomo's shortfall forecast hard and heavy.
- 普契尼男高音咏叹调的教学与演唱处理On the Processing of the Teaching and Singing of Puccini's High-piched Aria
- 阿布贾Abuja
- 演唱普契尼男高音咏叹调的四个"到位""Four Appropriateness" in Singing the Tenor Part of Puccini's Aria
- 马普学院的同仁斯特凡尼·科莫萨说:"这颗不幸的恒星只是'闲逛'时不小心走错了路。"This unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood," said Stefanie Komossa, also of the Max Planck Institute
- 我很喜欢普契尼《蝴蝶夫人》的第二乐章。I love the second movement of Puccini's "The Madame Butterfly".
- 是根据意大利三队在冠军联赛半决赛的赛程决定更改,米兰对科莫:5月3日,布雷西亚对米兰:5月10日。This is how all of the 14th and 15th round will be played. Milan vs Como, Saturday, May 3, Brescia vs Milan, May 10.
- 我正在观看普契尼的歌剧巨作《图兰多》。I am watching the great opera of Puccini, Turandot.
- 目前,世界上仅存有不足4000只科莫多巨蜥,它们都生活在印尼的3座岛屿上,通过游泳在3座岛屿间穿梭。Fewer than 4,000 Komodo dragons are thought to be left in the world, living on only three islands in Indonesia which they can swim between.
- 其他还有珀塞尔、瓦格纳、威尔地、普契尼和理查德·斯特劳斯。Among others are Purcell, Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, and Richard Strauss.
- 市怨贾祸buy animosity and woe; incur trouble and danger
- 三幕歌剧:G.普契尼作曲;G.贾柯查和L.伊里卡编剧。Opera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L. Illica.