- 贴身next to the shin
- 侍女maid
- 贴身的close-fitting
- 侍女, 贴身丫环fille de chambre
- 贴身衣undervest
- 与侍女调情to dally with the servant girl
- 两个侍女干净利落。The two maids were trim and comely.
- 男仆,尤指贴身男仆A male servant, especially a valet.
- 侍女|女仆femme de chambre
- 贴身牛仔裤formfitting jeans.
- 即使有个黑人侍女跟在身边,从习俗上讲也还是不够的。Even the presence of a negro maid would not satisfy the conventions.
- 很贴身a tight fit
- “我发誓,夫人,”那侍女答道‘我这是千真万确的。”"I assure you, madame," replied the woman, "it is as I have said."
- 贴身内衣undershirt
- 侍女1:别说了,哈丽叶,(对安妮)你好,您想要点儿什么?Waitress1: Harriet, shut up. (to Annie) Hi, can I help you?
- 做为贴身男仆工作To work as a valet.
- 怀特太太的侍女睡在她家里,而她的司机则在自己家里过夜。Mrs White's maid sleeps in, but her driver sleeps out.
- 贴身舞dirty dance
- 侍女螺属Ancilla
- 烤鸡前先将鸡贴身扎紧。Truss the chicken before you roast it.