- 贪赃舞弊的行为corrupt practices
- 两位自称告密者的人认真控告贪赃舞弊的第九学区委员会。The gloves have come off in a lawsuit filed by two professed whistle-blowers against the corruption plagued District 9 school board.
- 舞弊fraud
- 枉法贪赃To violate the law and be covetous of bribes
- 贪赃take bribes; practise graft
- 严砺贪赃severe punishment on embezzlers
- 那个警察贪赃受贿,以饱私囊。The policeman has lined his pockets by taking bribes.
- 你说他贪赃?我万万没有想到他会干出这等事!You say that he took bribes? I would never have believed it of him!
- 专门调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员公正地调查了关于滥用权力的投诉。The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour.
- 调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务Investigation of fraud was their commission.
- 如果这种违法行为是出于陷害、报复、贪赃或者其他个人目的,应当追究刑事责任。Where such unlawful action has been taken for the purpose of frame-up, retaliation, taking bribes or other personal aims, criminal responsibility shall be investigated.
- 他用舞弊手段为儿子谋得这个职位。He jobbed his son into the position.
- 校长因我们考试舞弊而惩罚我们。The principal rapped our knuckles for cheating on the test.
- 商业舞弊business malpractice
- 舞弊诱因corrupt inducement
- 那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。The old man reviled against corruption.
- 舞弊嫌疑presumptive fraud
- 考试舞弊cheat on exam
- 串通舞弊collusion
- 舞弊动机corrupt motive