- 问责accountability
- 负全责in full charge
- 他对于他所应负之责,没有责任感。He has no sense of the duty incumbent upon him.
- 知足不辱。The camel desire horn and lose her ear.
- 问责制system of accountability
- 宁死不辱。Death before dishonor!
- 责编responsible editor
- 血辱blood pressure
- 淫辱寡妇To debauch a widow
- 归责imputation
- 裤下之辱To Bear an insult under the trouser
- 忍受诟辱To endure insult patiently
- 人人有责Everybody is responsible; Everyone bears his share of the responsibility for; the duty of everyone
- 摧辱宰相To humiliate the prime minister
- 责打toco
- 当众辱之To offer an affront to a person in public
- 归责于attribute to
- 詈辱泄愤To scold in order to ward off one's indignation
- 他替他兄弟受责。He bears the blame of his brother.
- 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣Better a glorious death than a shameful life