- 结合模糊控制的PWM技术在负荷保持器中的应用Application of PWM with Fuzzy Control Used in Retainable Load Equipment
- 等离子表面淬火的淬硬保持时间与硬化层的硬度分布Hardening Holding Time and Hardness Distribution of Hardened Layer by Plasma Surface Quenching
- 则无需在每次进行系统备份时都指定系统备份的保持时间。You do not have to specify the length of time to retain system backups each time you perform a backup.
- 负荷load
- 中性红保持时间neutral red retention
- 保持时间holding period
- 满负荷full load
- 当您指定保持期时,需要确定事件数据和通知数据的保持时间。When you specify the retention age, you need to determine how long you want to keep event and notification data.
- 热负荷heat load
- 基于移动保持时间的无线自组网分簇算法Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Self-Organized Networks Based on Mobile Holding Time
- 用电负荷power load
- 她没有时间观念。She has no sense of time.
- 估算含有机组分的水样品保持时间的实施规程Practice for Estimation of Holding Time for Water Samples Containing Organic Constituents
- 他仍然保持着一点起码的体面。He still retains a spark of decency.
- 工作负荷working load
- 掌握日语要花几年时间。It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
- 主妇总是保持水槽的清洁。The housewife always keeps the sink clean.
- 保持时间给定装置holding time setter
- 小时是时间单位。The hour is a unit of time.
- 负荷开关load switch