- 它们是负债权益比率、负债与有形净资产比率等。They are debt-equity ratio, debit to tangible net worth ratio and etc.
- 负债与有形资产比率的数字表明,扣除无形资产之后,公司的长期偿债能力略有下降。The figures of debt to tangible net worth ratio show that when deducting the intangible assets the corporation's long-term debt-paying ability has declined a little from 1997 to 1998.
- 家政从业人员的安全与权益保障的缺失Homemaking personnel lacking safety and rights and interests ensuring
- 长期负债与所有者权益的物流管理考量-资产负责表Logistics management with Long-term liabilities and boss share of Balance sheet
- 所有者权益比率ratio of owners" equity
- 资产与权益asset and equity
- 权益比率equity ratio
- 总负债与总资产比率Total Debt to Total Assets
- 投资者保护与权益市场均衡模型Investor Protection and a Equilibrium Model of Equity-market
- 债务权益比率debt-equity ratio
- 股东权益比率equity ratio
- 政府或有负债与诚信意识Potential Debt of Finance and Consciousness of Honor
- 购买法与权益结合法的选择分析Choice analysis of purchasing method and right combining method
- 债务-权益比率debt-equity ratio
- 销货对股东权益比率[经] ratio of sales to stockholders' equity
- 国有企业负债与预算软约束The State-owned Enterprises'Debt and Budget Soft Constraints
- 会计选择与权益资本价值的关系研究综述A Summary of Studies in the Relationship between Accounting Choice and the Value of Owner's Equity
- 企业适度负债与有效负债问题研究Research on the Problems of Temperate Debt and Effective Debt in Enterprises Running
- 在压缩后字节的总数。这个数字与所有字符总数的比为压缩比率。Total number of bytes after compression. This number compared with the total bytes is the compression ratio.
- 关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此引起重视。About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.