- 意大利独裁者贝尼托·墨索里尼被迫下台,废除法西斯政权。1943 Benito Mussolini, Dictator of Italy was forced to resign and the Fascist regime was abolished.
- 那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;实际上,贝尼托?墨索里尼在整个战争时期只进行了四场公开的演讲。The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; in fact Benito Mussolini made only four public speeches during the entire course of the war.
- 意大利独裁者贝尼托·索里尼被迫下台,废除法西斯政权。Benito Mussolini, Dictator of Italy was forced to resign and the Fascist regime was abolished.
- 墨索里尼mussolini
- 墨索里尼一伙使意大利倒退了好多年。Mussolini and his group set back the progress of Italy many years.
- 墨索里尼被称为内层领导。Mussolini was called Il Duce.
- 首先起来反扑的是墨索里尼。Mussolini was the first to react.
- 墨索里尼被意大利人民吊死了。Mossonini was hanged by the Italian people.
- 墨索里尼是不敢同一个坚决的英国政府搏斗的。Mussolini would never have dared to come to grips with a resolute British Government.
- 墨索里尼,B.A.A.(1883-1945)Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (1883~1945)
- 1945年4月28日墨索里尼被处决。Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was killed on April 28.
- 墨索里尼向美国宣战是封住德国人嘴的一出喜剧。Mussolini's declaration of war on America was a comedy to keep the Germans quiet.
- 我的风格则类似墨索里尼的执政风格。My style is similar to Mussolini5.
- 国际联盟准备用各会员国的联合力量来抵制墨索里尼的政策。The League were prepared to use the united strength of all its members to curb Mussolini's policy.
- 它严厉谴责了墨索里尼背叛、投靠柏林的行径。It berated Mussolini for selling out to Berlin
- 墨索里尼倒台了;意大利投降了;它的舰队已经投诚。Mussolini has fallen; Italy has surrendered; her Fleet has come over.
- 墨索里尼倒台了;意大利投降了;它的舰队已经投诚。Mussolini has fallen; Italy has surrendered; her Fleet has come over.
- 墨索里尼在二十年前也还是一个“社会主义者”呢!Twenty years ago even Mussolini was a "socialist"!
- 法西斯独裁者,希特勒的侵略伙伴墨索里尼已经命归黄泉。Mussolini, Hitler's fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end.
- 法西斯独裁者,希特勒的侵略伙伴墨索里尼已经命归黄泉。Mussolini, Hitler's fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end