- 德贝夏颈Derbyshire neck
- 尔so
- 梅plum flower
- 这调味酱有番茄味。This sauce tastes of tomato.
- 夏summer
- 克尔赛梅尔短绒大衣呢具有别致的斜纹的一种精致毛料。A fine woolen cloth with a fancy twill weave.
- (墨西哥)经常加入巧克力的略带辣味的调味酱。(Mexican) spicy sauce often containing chocolate.
- 波尔bohr
- 调味酱bechamel
- 夏的summerly
- 首尔Seoul
- 贝西区调味酱bercy
- 望梅止渴console oneself with vain hopes
- 阿尔卑斯山Alps
- 沙拉酱mayonnaise
- 你记得在《勇敢的心》里梅尔·吉布森的那句台词吗?Do you remember the line by Mel Gibson in Braveheart?
- 与蓝乳酪调味酱和芹菜茎作最佳的搭配,Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks
- 瑞尔riel
- 德尔Dare
- 诺尔Nore