- 谷valley
- 饲to raise
- 谷类cereal
- 谷胱甘肽glutathione
- 谷氨酰胺glutamine
- 饲喂feeding
- 谷丙转氨酶glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
- 饲牛to forage cattle
- 上谷upper valley
- 鼻饲nasal feed
- 薄饲sparse rearing
- 断头谷beheaded valley
- 饱饲unrestrictive feeding
- 谷类食品用简单的盒子包装。The cereal is packaged in plain boxes.
- 饱饲的full-fed
- 河川沿河谷蜿蜒。The river snakes through the valley.
- 鼻饲的nasogastric
- 加了水果使谷类食品变得可口。The addition of fruit makes the cereal taste good.
- 鼻饲法nasal feeding
- 伊弗珊谷the Vale of Evesham