- 固体饮料A solid substance that can be changed into liquid by adding water.
- 泡腾片固体饮料Solid beverage of effervescent tablet
- 青梅全肉速溶固体饮料的制作Preparation of Whoie Green Plum Flesh Instant Solid Beverage
- 饮料beverage
- 苦瓜乳固体饮料加工技术研究Processing technique of a solid balsam pear-milk beverage
- 他们用谷物换布。They barter grains for cloth.
- 出口固体饮料的卫生质量控制Sanitary quality control of the export beverage powder
- 有几只鸟在啄食谷物。Some birds were pecking at the corn.
- 碳酸饮料Sodas
- 堆积如山的谷物grain mountain
- 外国牌号无酒精饮料(含固体饮料)生产Production of non-alcoholic beverage of foreign brand (including solid beverage)
- 谷物供应充足。Corn is in long supply.
- 喂小鸡谷物to feed grain to chickens
- 水结冰时变成固体。When water freezes, it becomes solid.
- 果汁饮料ade
- 碾碎谷物to mill grain
- 铁和石头是固体。Iron and stone are solids.
- 酒精饮料liquor
- 投机购买谷物speculative buying of grain
- 零度时水冻结为固体。At zero water is frozen solid.