- 谷valley
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- 月球moon
- 谷歌地球Google Earth
- 谷歌地图Google Maps
- 老歌old song
- 月球表面lunar surface
- 歌名title of the song
- 谷类cereal
- 歌集songbook
- 月球漫步moon walk
- 国际歌the Internationale
- 谷胱甘肽glutathione
- 他们计划向月球发射火箭。They planned to send a rocket to the moon.
- 歌的melic
- 谷氨酰胺glutamine
- 副歌refrain
- 现在有可能登上月球。It is possible to go to the moon now.
- 谷丙转氨酶glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
- 上谷upper valley