- 谣言流传开了.The rumor passed from mouth to mouth.
- 谣言流传开了。The rumor went from lip to lip.
- 谣言流传开来。The rumor was going about.
- 关于一些演员要被裁掉的谣言流传开来。Rumours are circulating that some of the cast will be killed off.
- 爱德蒙被控为拿破仑党的眼线从而被捕的消息很快就在城里流传开了。The rumor of Edmond arrest as a Bonapartist agent was not slow in circulating throughout the city.
- 谣言流传。Rumors floated about.
- 谣言流传一时Rumors are afloat.
- 正在那时门开了,那个傻女人从隔壁房间愉快地走了进来。Just then the door opened and that silly woman from next door waltzed in.
- 很多谣言流传着。There are a lot of rumors going around.
- 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash.
- 一定能流传开。That's certain to spread around.
- 谣言流传说他死了。There are rumours in the air that he was dead.
- 爸爸出了一个好主意,在厨房和餐室之间的墙上开了一个分发饭菜的窗口。Dad had the bright idea of making a serving hatch in the wall between the kitchen and the dining room.
- 邮递员跑开了,狗在身后紧追着要咬他。The postman ran away with the dog nipping at his heel.
- 在她嫁给她的德国表哥阿尔伯特王子之后,这一风俗才更广泛地流传开来。After her marriage to her German cousin, Prince Albert, the custom became even more widespread.
- 这时候窗户开了,一个戴面罩的人走进房间。Meanwhile the window opens and a masked man enters the room.
- 这些故事以口头的方式流传开来。these stories were transmitted by word of mouth.
- 一听到他的命令警察立即撞开了那扇门。One hearing his command police has collided out that door immediately.
- 将军即将被解职的消息在政府部长间逐渐流传开来。Reports that the general is to be dismissed are gaining currency among government ministers.
- 当警卫走进时,那些顽皮的孩子就匆匆跑开了。The naughty children skedaddle when the security guard approach them.