- 谙熟汉语be well versed in the Chinese language
- 所有的人都应该谙熟自然之美。All persons should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature.
- 须谙熟英语,能看动手写英文。Good command of English with ability to understand handwritten English required.
- 谙熟be well versed in
- 熟skilled
- 企业的管理者要谙熟经略之法。The manager of a company must be familiar with ways to run a company.
- 我找不到什么门路。I cannot get any purchase on it.
- 管理大企业需要谙熟与人打交道的技巧。The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.
- 我找不到一点门路。I can't get any purchase on it.
- 他在市政厅的门路his contacts at city hall
- 熟的ripe
- 石门路商圈Shimen Road Business District
- 煮熟boil
- 堵塞生产门路block the channels of developing production
- 精谙其事To be au fait at the work
- 把这些单词背熟。Learn these words off by heart.
- 他家很有门路。His family is very well-connected.
- 谙水性know how to swim
- 不熟crudity
- 学习制酒业的门路Learned the tricks of the winemaking trade