- 调往海外的军官.an officer on secondment overseas
- 他的妻子被调往海外工作了,所以他只能辞职。His wife is being transferred overseas, so he had to quit his job.
- 从海军陆战队调往总参谋部的军官.an officer seconded from the Marines to staff headquarters
- 往海外的航行an outward voyage
- 海外overseas
- 年轻的军官一心取胜,他并不害怕与自己的将军比试一下。He was so vain and reckless that he would break a lance or two with his general.
- 寄往海外的包裹将用航空邮递但不收取额外费用。The parcel will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery with no additional fees.
- 往past
- 将军向专门的军官小组扼要交代了这次作战的计划,将具体细节留待他们去布置。The general sketched out his battle plan to a special group of officers, leaving them to organize the details.
- 这个团被调往前线。The regiment was ordered to the front.
- 回调call-back
- 在海外beyond the sea
- 可调tunableness
- 往后(idiom) from now on ...
- 你们必须派出最值得依赖的军官去和他们的领导谈判交换战俘问题。You must send your most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.
- 海外的overseas
- 往前along
- 往下down
- 我们采取积极的态度吸引海外资金以弥补国内资金短缺。We adopt an active attitude towards drawing on overseas fund to make up for domestic fund shortage.
- 仁慈的国王把两个年青的军官从死神手中救了出来。The merciful king saved the young officers from death.