- 兰斯菲尔德Lancefild
- 兰斯菲尔德族Lancefield group
- 兰斯菲尔德试验Lancefield's test
- 区district
- 兰斯菲尔德沉淀法Lancefield's precipitin method
- 斯this
- 尔so
- 菲luxurious
- 2004年6月,一个温暖明媚的下午,赫尔德区看上去安宁、平静,显然已不再是鲁尔地区跳动的心脏了。But on a warm, bright afternoon in June 2004, Horde was clearly no longer the pounding heart of the Ruhr.
- "三个代表"重要思想的经济功能:基于诺斯意识形态理论的分析On The Economic Functions of the Important "Three Represents" Thought--An Analysis Based on the Theory of North Ideology
- 与此同时,弥诺斯组建了一支庞大的船队,外出搜寻代达罗斯。Meanwhile, Minos had raised a considerable fleet, and set out in search of Deadalus.
- 科什图尼察总理的发言人为唤起西方人的罪恶感,提到塞尔维亚失去科索沃,就像捷克斯洛伐克在1938年在〈尼黑协定〉被希特勒夺去日尔曼人聚居的苏台德区一样。Mr Kostunica's spokesmen try to provoke Western guilt by suggesting that Serbia's loss of Kosovo would be like Czechoslovakia's loss of German-populated Sudetenland to Hitler after Munich in1938.
- “诺斯悖论”North' Paradox
- 曼斯菲尔穗Katherine Mansfield
- 诺斯第二悖论the Second North Paradox
- 切斯特菲尔德英格兰中北部城市,位于设菲尔德以南。是重要的工业中心。人口96,300A city of north-central England south of Sheffield. It is an important industrial center. Population,96,300.
- 巴西西诺斯河谷大学University of Vale do Rios Sinos, Brazil
- 阿尔卑斯山Alps
- 菲尔智力超群。Phil has uncommon intelligence.
- 诺斯替主义的二元论Gnosticism's dualism