- 请注意我的话.Please note my words.
- 请注意我下面要说的话。Please pay attention to what I am going to say.
- “多罗米埃,”勃拉什维尔说,“请注意我的安静态度。”"Tholomyes," remarked Blachevelle, "contemplate my calmness [mon calme]."
- 请please
- 老鼠激动而尖声地喊着,“假如你是我的话,你喜欢猫吗?”cried the Mouse,in a shrill,passionate voice.'Would YOU like cats if you were me?'
- 请注意我要讲的话。Please attend to what I'll tell you.
- 请注意我的地址变了。Please note my change of address.
- "你不听我的话,反叫这些人教的歪心邪意,狐媚子霸道的.""But instead of doing as I say, you let other people warp your mind and teach you these sneaky ways. "
- 我会那样寿终正寝的。如果这事发生了,请注意我曾经嘱咐过你。That will be the manner of my exit, and when it takes place, remember I told you so.
- 希罗底王后:你听见他攻击我的话了吗?你居然容忍他谩骂你的妻子!You hear what he says against me? You suffer him to revile her who is your wife!
- 谨请注意我新合伙人的签名。We request your attention to the signature of our new partner.
- 注意我的话:别到水池边上去。Now mind what I tell you: don't go near the pond.
- 这就应验了主借先知所讲的话,“我把我的儿子召出了埃及。”This was to fulfil what the Lord had declared through the prophet,"I called my son out of Egypt."
- 请注意我改换了地址.Please note my change of address.
- 我早晨在家,要是我不在的话,我会把收条留给我的管家的。”I shall be at home till midday, or if not, I will leave a receipt with my steward."
- 请注意我把问题再重复一遍。"Attention please, I'll repeat the question once more."
- 密切注意我告诉你的话Mind closely what I tell you.
- 请注意听我的通知。Please take notice of my announcement.
- 好吧,要是他们解雇我的话,我就留给他们一副烂摊子。Well,if they're going to sack me,I've left them a nice kettle of fish.
- 密切注意我告诉你的话。Mind closely what I tell you.