- 请来一杯鲜橙汁.A fresh orange, please, ie real orange juice as opposed to orangeade or orange squash.
- 请来一杯鲜橙汁。A fresh orange,please,ie real orange juice as opposed to orangeade or orange squash.
- 请来一杯加冰和柠檬的杜松子补酒。A gin and tonic with ice and lemon, please.
- 布朗太太:给我一杯鲜橙汁和两个煮蛋,要溏心的。Mrs. Brown: Bring me a glass of fresh orange juice and two soft-boiled eggs.
- 请来一杯茶。A cup of tea, please.
- 我们请来一位电工,希望他能找出短路的原因。We called in an electrician hoping he could put a finger on the came d the short circuit.
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。"No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.
- 请来一份橙汁伏特加酒。A vodka and orange, please.
- 请来一壶两人饮的茶。A pot of tea for two, please.
- 我要再来一杯柳橙汁。May I have another orange juice?
- 请来一品脱苦啤酒.A pint of bitter, please.
- “我口渴”“来一杯冰啤酒足以解渴吧?”"I'm thirsty." "Would a glass of cold beer fill the bill?"
- 请来一叙。Please come over for a chat.
- 请来一份蕃茄汁和一份汤.One tomato juice and one soup, please.
- 他喝完那一杯威士忌酒后又叫来一大杯。He emptied his glass and ordered another large whisky.
- 请来一瓶。Then a bottle of Budweiser, please.
- 请来两杯橙汁。Two orange squashes, please.
- 如果你不见怪的话,我想再来一杯。Well,if you'll excuse me,I'd like to refill my glass.
- 同样的,请来一份。The same again, please.
- “喝杯酒好吗?”“行,来一杯吧。”"Will you have a drink?" "I don't care if I do."