- 受伤者不声不响地躺着,不管狄克说得怎样天花乱坠,也不能逗出他第二句话来。The wounded man lay silent; nor, say what Dick pleased, could he extract another word from him.
- 他们太激动了以至说不出一句话来了。They were too excited to say a word.
- 克劳德抬起头来看他,脸上充满恐惧,说不出一句话来。Claude looked up at him, his face rigid with fear, dumb.
- 说不出话来speechless
- 他漠然地看着指责他的人,一句话也不说。He eyed his accuser levelly without saying anything.
- 这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more.
- 他静悄悄地坐在那儿一句话也不说。He sat there in silence and didn't say a word.
- 保罗的演说词准备得很好,但在这么多的听众面前他却突然间说不出话来。Paul had his speech very well prepared, but in the presence of such a big audience all of a sudden he lost his tongue.
- 你能设想他甚至一句话不说就离开吗?Can you imagined that he left without even a word?
- 他等着市长的答复,市长却一句话也不说。He waited for the Mayor's reply and none came.
- 对着特德送的花,安感动得说不出话来。Ann choked up over the flowers Ted gave her.
- 吴荪甫只是皱了眉头微笑,一句话也不说。Wu Sun-fu said nothing, but just knit his brows in a puzzled frown.
- 那条坏消息使我们全部震惊得说不出话来。The bad news left us all speechless from shock.
- 我真担心你,你不该一句话不说就离家了。I was really anxious about you, you shouldn't have left home without a word.
- 索米斯的喉咙已经堵得完全说不出话来。Soames's gorge had risen so that he could hardly speak.
- 他等着市长的答复,市长却一句话也不说。He waited for the Mayor's reply and none came.
- 她的在场使我困窘得几说不出话来。Her presence so overwhelmed me that I could hardly talk.
- 她哭得如同泪人一样,可一句话也不说。She was all wet with tears, but just said nothing.
- 他被问得张口结舌,半天说不出话来。He was stumped by the questions and remained tongue-tied for a good while.
- 他气得一句话也说不出来,只是对她挥拳头。He was so angry he couldn't speak; he just shook his fist under her nose.