- 说不出的快乐、喜悦等.Unspeakable joy,delight,etc
- 它好象是种生物,具有一种说不出的阴森森的主动能力。It seems as though it were a being, possessed of I know not what sombre initiative;
- 说不出的ineffable
- 他那忧郁的脸上掠过一丝说不出的快乐,犹如太阳消失在云彩中,进入坟墓前的最后一丝光亮。An indescribable ray of joy illumined that wretched countenance like the last ray of the sun before it disappears behind the clouds which bear the aspect, not of a downy couch, but of a tomb.
- 小鸭认出这些高贵的鸟儿,于是心里感到一种说不出的难过。The duckling recognized the majestic birds, and he was overcome by a strange melancholy.
- 说不出话来speechless
- 说不出的喜悦unspeakable joy
- 我认为我是对的,尽管对于这一点我说不出确切的法律依据。I think I'm right, though I can't cite you chapter and verse what the law says on this point.
- 因恐怖、 恐惧、 惊愕等而说不出话来.be struck dumb with horror, fear, amazement, etc
- 她心里漾起了一阵阵不可名状[说不出]的强烈喜悦。A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her.
- 说不出的颜色a nondescript color
- 保罗的演说词准备得很好,但在这么多的听众面前他却突然间说不出话来。Paul had his speech very well prepared, but in the presence of such a big audience all of a sudden he lost his tongue.
- 说不出的苦痛;inexpressible anguish;
- 他[她](因害怕等)而说不出话来。His [Her] tongue failed him [her].
- 他有某种说不出的可爱处。There is a certain charm about him.
- 对着特德送的花,安感动得说不出话来。Ann choked up over the flowers Ted gave her.
- 听到钥匙在锁里的转动的声音以及铰链的嘎嘎声,那本来踯伏在地牢的一角,带着说不出的快乐在享受从铁栅里射进来的一线微光的唐太斯,他抬起头来。At the sound of the key turning in the lock, and the creaking of the hinges, Dants, who was crouched in a corner of the dungeon, whence he could see the ray of light that came through a narrow iron grating above, raised his head
- 这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more.
- 说不出的恐惧speechless terror
- 那条坏消息使我们全部震惊得说不出话来。The bad news left us all speechless from shock.