- 该条款内容如下.The clause reads thus / as follows...
- 该条款内容如下 ...The clause reads thus/as follows ...
- 按照上面第四节条款内容应该支付注销费。Cancellation charges will apply in accordance with paragraph 4 above.
- 银行须确保长者客户在购买前全面理解产品条款内容。Banks have to ensure that ageing clients understand the products they are buying.
- 该条款只适应于欧共体以外的交易。This clause applies only to deals outside the EC.
- 这项条约的正文共八条,内容如下。The main body of the treaty consists of eight articles which read as follows.
- 该文the said
- 此确认书有关条款已经我们认真阅读、明白并同意有关条款内容。We have read and understand and agree the terms and conditions set forth in this Incorporation/Acquisition Order Form.
- 不该should not; must not
- 主要内容primary coverage
- 不是我,而是他该负责任。Not I but he is responsible for it.
- 工作内容job content
- 本论文共分五章,其主要内容如下:There five chapters in this pater, and the main contents are as following.
- 该当deserve
- 补充条款supplementary provision
- 我该怎么办?What should I do?
- 法律条款jurisdiction clause
- 内容提要informative abstract
- 该隐Cain
- 教学内容content of courses