- 该俱乐部男人居多.There is a predominance of men in the club.
- 男人men
- 该俱乐部的成员仅限于男士。Membership of the club is restricted to men only.
- 他们大约在四年前创办该俱乐部的。They began the club about four years ago.
- 他们将我们吸收为该俱乐部会员。They enrolled us as members of the club.
- 大男人主义male chauvinism
- 居多in the majority
- 该文the said
- 男人的masccline
- 不是我,而是他该负责任。Not I but he is responsible for it.
- 这一事件加速了该俱乐部的解体。The incident has hastened the disintegration of the club.
- 爱家的男人homebody
- 棒球俱乐部的资金仍然空如往昔。The treasury of the baseball club is as empty as ever.
- 注意一个戴黑帽的高个男人。Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.
- 该当deserve
- 男人女人men and women
- 该隐Cain
- 爱情是男人仰看天空的一颗星,而婚姻是他掉进去的洞穴。Love is the star a man looking up to and marriage is the hole he falling into.
- 就该should
- 这男人中等个儿。The man is of medium height.