- 毛莱尔太太一连几天对丈夫不理不睬。Mrs. Morel loathed her husband for days.
- 话language
- 的话if
- 他的同学道歉了,他还是得理不饶人。He argues a point to death, even when his classmate apologizes.
- 会话conversation
- 糙rough
- 向理不向人stand by what is right, not by a particular person; side with whoever is right
- 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
- 广东话Cantonese
- 不理refuse to acknowledge
- 百色水利枢纽导流洞水工模型试验中加糙与上游水位校正计算Model roughening and US level correction calculation for hydraulic model test of construction diversion tunnel of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project
- 理工science and engineering
- 明渠渠底糙率突变对紊流摩阻流速及壁面切应力影响的试验分析Experimental analysis on influence from sudden change of roughness of open channel bottom on friction velocity of turbulent flow and wall shear stress
- 句话language
- 根据畦田水流推进过程水力因素确定Philip入渗参数和田面平均糙率Determination of Philip infiltration parameter and Manning roughness according to hydraulic factors in the advance of irrigation water
- 副理assistant manager
- 中国话Chinese
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 理事(n) councilman
- 一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草糙草属)的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花a low-growing Eurasian plant having rough stems and small blue flowers