- 诋毁一个清白的人.malign an innocent person
- 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人The article be an attempt to defame an honest ma
- 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人.The article is an attempt to defame an honest man.
- 一种流行病带来的全球性恐慌玷污了挪威一个清白的名字:萨斯。Global fears of an epidemic have sullied a good name in Norway: Sars.
- 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人。The article is an attempt to defame an honest man.
- 一个邪恶的王子还不如一个清白的庄稼汉有价值。An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince.
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- "站在这里,我问心无愧," 被告说,"因为我知道我是清白的。""Here I stand with a safe conscience, " the accused said, "because I know I am innocent."
- 主人,东道主以社会身份或官方身份接待或款待客人的人One who receives or entertains guests in a social or an official capacity.
- 他出身在索莫瑟的一个清白家庭里,那一家人因为追随美国革命而大倒其楣。He came of Somerset gentlefolk who had lost their fortune following the American Revolution.
- 在求职的面试中,常常是懂得如何巧妙展示自己的资格和才艺的人结果最好。In an interview for a post it is often the person who knows how to set out his stall that comes off best.
- 1441号决议所针对的政党并不是一个清白的政党,而是在过去数年中反复违反安理会规定的政权。Resolution 1441 was not dealing with an innocent party,but a regime this council has repeatedly convicted over the years.
- 她爱诋毁那些清白的人。She likes to malign innocent persons.
- 她要把身子投在晶莹清澈的湖水里,那里倒是一个很好的寄身的地方,她死了也落得一个清白的身子。 她要跳进湖水里去。The crystal depths of the lake would give her refuge. She would die unsullied.
- 另一方面,诋毁我们的人认为我们的成就反而害了我们。On the debit side,our detractors view us increasingly as a victim of our own success.
- 他是一个富有洞察力的人。He is a man of penetration.
- 他是一个有修养的人。He is a man of culture.
- 他出身在索莫瑟的一个清白家庭里,那一家人因为追随美国革命而大倒其楣。He came of Somerset gentlefolk who had lost their fortune following the American Revolution.
- DNA鉴定技术还可以为清白的人洗脱干系。The technology has also been used to clear the innocent.
- 他是一个见地狭窄的人。He is a man of limited scope.