- 屈原"放逐"问题证辩Arguments on the Issue of Quyuan "Being Exiled"
- 证proof
- 辩dispute
- 房产证property ownership certificate
- 毕业证diploma
- 权证warrant
- 辩手debater
- 发证issue licence; issue a document or certificate
- 辩题topic for debate; debate topic
- 学位证degree's diploma
- 善辩plausibility
- 居住证residence permit
- 鉴证discern
- 她为她的政见力辩。She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs.
- 举证quote
- 辩词argument
- 产地证Certificate of Origin
- 辩别(v) distinguish between
- 上岗证work license
- 辩认(v) examine and recognize