- 访客caller
- 访visit
- 原住民boong
- 亲民to treat the people as one would treat one's family
- 住民habitant
- 受访be interviewed
- 被访者respondent
- 民企private enterprise
- 到访visiting
- 民选democratically elected
- 她用无数的甜言蜜语迷住了访客。She charmed the visitor with the arsenal of her blandishments.
- 民调poll; mass observation
- 一群暴民闹事反对市政府。A mob was rioting against the municipal government.
- 再访revisit
- 岛民islander
- 仆役长把访客领进会客室。The butler ushered the visitor into the drawing room.
- 民会witenagemot
- 常访frequentation
- 民和the people live in harmony
- 访日visit Japan