- 设x为a与b之和.Let x be the sum of a and b.
- 设X为偏序集(T_0A-空间),S(X)表示X上保序(连续)自映射作成的半群.Let X be a partialiy ordered set (T0A-space). S(X) denote the semigroup of isotone se lfmaps ( continuous selfmaps) on parti-ally orde red se t ( T0 A - space ) X.
- 我国地方GDP之和与中央公布GDP差异的实证分析Demonstrative Analyses of Discrepancy between the Summed Total of Local GDP and the GDP Published by the Central Government
- 设x等于y。Lex x be the equal of y
- 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
- 让我们把工作干完!设X等于YLet's finish the job! Let x equal y.
- 流水作业由二台柔性机器组成时的极小完工时间之和问题Minimizing Total Completion Time of Jobs on a Flexible Two Machine Flow Shop
- 转化为translate into
- 到达时间之和Time Summation Of Arrival(TSOA)
- 设在located at
- 表现为register as
- 设X是实线性空间,P是X上的一族分离半范数且TP是X上由P生成的局部凸分离拓扑.Let X be a real linear space,P a family of separated seminorms on X and TP the locally convex separated topology on X generated by P.The concepts of the S-simplest form of a seminorm family P and the P-reflexive locally convex space (X,TP) are introduced.
- 在财务方面,要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见,这是十分重要的。In financial matter it is important to get disinterested advice.
- 到达时间之和(TSOA)time summation of arrival (TSOA)
- 那人为平衡处理与母亲和妻子的关系伤脑筋。The man felt a delicacy about balancing between his mother and his wife.
- 设X是一个有限集。 X上的一个循环三元组(x,y,z)是指由X中的三个有序对(x,y),(y,z)和(z,x)构成的集合。A cyclic triple (x, y, z) on X is a set of three ordered pairs (x, y), (y, z) and (z, x) of X.
- 不相交的简化的积之和形式disjoint reduced sum-of-products forms
- 均数的数量差之和超过阈值时产生Produced if sum of count differences from mean exceed
- 与蚂蚁共生并为其提供掩蔽和食物的植物。plant that affords shelter or food to ants that live in symbiotic relations with it.
- 薪水普遍提高了,使之和新的显要职位相称。There was a general increase in wages to meet the new dignities.