- 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲。Many Americans have roots in Europe.
- 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲.Many Americans have roots in Europe.
- 许多美国人的祖籍是英国。Many Americans are of English descent.
- 美国United States
- 许多美国人夏天开车旅游。Many Americans tour by car in summer.
- 即使在欧洲人到来之后,这些部落仍固守着它们古老的信仰。The tribes clove to their old beliefs even after the Europeans arrived.
- 在他的新书里,他以惊人的观察力描述了美国人的性格。In his new book he hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.
- 许多美国人有英国血统。Many Americans are of English descent.
- 讲经中,师父连连咳嗽,因为在欧洲到处有许多人抽烟,让师父身体很不适。During the lecture, Master coughed often, due to the fact that many Europeans smoke in public places.
- 祖籍英国的美国人anglo-american
- 许多美国人是非洲血统。Many Americans are African by origin.
- 祖籍英国的美国人的anglo-american
- 在许多美国大公司中,强硬的谈判和坚强的行动是管理风格的要素。Tough talk and tough action are the stuff of management style in a great many American firms.
- 海外的美国人受美国政府的保护。The overseas Americans are under the flag of the American government.
- 不过,由于许多美国和欧洲股票基金经理早前过度减持亚洲股票,故须进行补仓,引发资金再度流入港元。The flow of funds quickly reversed as many US and European equity fund managers began to replenish their heavily under-weighted Asian equity portfolios.
- 在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现出惊人的洞察力。In this new book he hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.
- 有哪位美国人能看着今天在拉美发生的一切而感到高兴的吗?Can any American looking at the situation in Latin America feel content with what's happening today?
- "许多美国人住在农场上,离城市,城镇或村庄很远。""Many Americans live on farms which are far from any city, town, or village."
- 美国人特别胜过欧洲人的,是在弹道方面。The point in which the Americans singularly outdistanced the Europeans was in the science of gunnery.
- 欧洲终久还是紧紧缠着美国人的心,耿耿难安。Europe has continued to haunt and heckle the American imagination.