- 记住那些哭泣的面孔.Remember those teary faces.
- 别在意那些哭泣的夜晚But never mind the nights you have to cry
- 例如: 相对于经过区域通信次数较少的航班,管制员比较容易记住那些通信次数较多的航班。For example, if a controller has communicated with a particular aircraft several times, s/he will be more likely to remember "seeing" that aircraft and less likely to remember another aircraft that traversed the sector with little communication.
- 那些those
- "她大声喊道,一面注视着面前那三张绷紧的面孔,仿佛质问他们敢不敢反驳似的。she cried stormily, looking into the three drawn faces as though defying them to contradict her.
- 要记住那些不如你们幸运的人。Remember those less fortunate than yourselves.
- 当我们向每一位游民祝贺圣诞快乐并分发礼物时,一张张疲惫的面孔顿时绽放出快乐的笑容。Weary stares gave way to happy smiles as we wished each person a Merry Christmas and handed out the gifts.
- 让我们记住那些先驱者吧。Let us remember all those who have gone before us.
- 哭泣的; 泪汪汪的Shedding tears; tearful.
- 丑恶的面孔a hideous face
- 使我哭泣的批评criticism that left me in tears.
- 而且他们还趋向于更清楚地记住那些危险的或是使人惊慌的事情。They also tend to remember these dangerous or scary occurrences more clearly than other memories.
- 他甚至和熟人交往也保持着一本正经的面孔。He preserved his mask of solemnity even with acquaintances.
- "要记住,这些统计数据是关于一九七二年时的一年级生情况的。"Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in1972.
- 哭泣的地球啜泣的岸The sob Earth weeps shore
- 吃惊的面孔a scared look
- 可以靠着哭泣的肩膀A shoulder to cry on
- 他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。His face is thin and very tanned.
- 记住那些海报说的话:‘今天是你余生的第一天?’每一天都是如此,除了你死了的那一天。Remember those posters that said 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life?' Well, that's true of every day except one----the day you die.
- 哭泣的人,悲叹的人One that weeps.